Monday, March 30, 2020

Coffee House Service

When services resume, please join us for inspirational sermons and music. This young lady (Josee) will lift your hearts up with her music and singing.
Whew! Could you have ever imagined a year, make that three months, make that even just seven days ago...that the world would look the way it does today? This is the craziest time I have ever lived in, for real! This is unprecedented. We are in a wilderness. And in the wilderness there are no street signs, no stop lights--much uncertainy.

Crisis never waits for a good time. It just comes. For some of us that means there is a crisis upon crisis. We are in a war in the wilderness. We can't afford to be fearful and petty.

But, there is a huge upside to where we are. If we face facts, we can lean into some truths that will get us through crisis with hope and faith.

Truth #1 - Jesus is with us.
Situations like this affect our emotions. We need to recognize it and be proactive. For me, lots of worship music helps! I play it loud sing like I'm in a concert.
He said he would never leave us or forsake us. If we connect with him daily, he says he will give us a spirit NOT of fear, but of power, love, and a strong mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

Truth #2 - Relationships are always our lifeline.
And you need to take responsibility for connecting. We need each other now more than ever! Everyone of us knows something others need to hear. If you are shut in at home, stay in contact with other through phone and social media as much as you can. If you are able to be out and about, see if you can do errands for and help someone who can't do it for themselves. The connection will help you and them. I am hopeful that you have friends and family who will make an effort to stay in contact with you. But I have found it helpful to go ahead and start the process myself. Other people get caught up in the crisis, too, and it's smarter to be proactive than feel sorry for yourself.

Truth #3 - You are in charge of your time and schedule.
That may sound ridiculous with everything being shut down, particularly if you are laid off or spending a lot of time alone. But the truth is, this IS our life right now, and every day is precious. We don't want to waste it. What could you do if you actually got up in the morning and planned a productive day every day?

In World War II everyone in Great Britain was hunkered down fulfilling in fear of the bombings from Germany. During that time, CS Lewis began a radio broadcast. That broadcast became the famous and most helpful book Mere Christianity.

Isaac Newton was 20 years old when the Bubonic plague forced people into their version of social distancing. During this year away from Cambridge he created the Theory of Gravity.

While under house arrest, the Apostle Paul wrote most of the New Testament.

We're all restricted, plans on hold, sitting still. What if we spent our time purposefully, not complaining, not binging on TV? What might God do in us and through us?

Bottom line, we can come through this period closer to Jesus, closer to people, and closer to fulfilling the purpose for which we were created. That's our calling! I AM IN! Are you? If you need anything: to talk, food, transportation, please call me at (330) 635-1797.

Pastor Tina

Corona Virus

Due to the rapid spread of the Corona Virus, church services and other activities have been suspended until further notice. You may still contact Pastor Tina by phone or her Facebook page.

We are presently coordinating an effort to present Pastor Tina's sermons online. Please check back.

If there is a shut-in or other members that need assistance during this pandemic, please contact the church.

Be Safe, Stay At Home